Shop / Job tray
2021002 Job Trays
Utilizing shop or job trays is a great way to keep track of a patient’s Rx from initial selection to final dispensing. Use the tray to hold the frame and case, critical paperwork, screws and findings, lenses, and more. Helps keep you organized as patient information is readily accessible.
Trays interlock for secure stacking and transporting. The large tray tag slot makes it easy to locate the patient’s tray and helps keep the tray looking clean and professional. Extra sturdy laboratory/dispensing trays are available in six colors.


Shop / Job tray. Utilizing shop or job trays is a great way to keep track of a patient’s Rx from initial selection to final dispensing. Use the tray to hold the frame and case, critical paperwork, screws and findings, lenses, and more. Helps keep you organized as patient information is readily accessible. Trays interlock for secure stacking and transporting. The large tray tag slot makes it easy to locate the patient’s tray and helps keep the tray looking clean and professional. Extra sturdy laboratory/dispensing trays are available in six colors. Trays are packaged 12 or 24 per single color case. 6-1/8" W x 1-5/8" H x 9-1/8" D